Stephanie Polenz

Stephanie is a Medium, Psychic, Intuitive Coach, Animal Communicator, & Paranormal guru. She provides guidance and support for your journey and connects you to those that have passed including your furry family members. Stephanie is dedicated to helping people to heal. Her readings are first class and spot on. Stephanie's readings are not just suitable for adults, but also for youths that are looking for guidance with their intuitive gifts.
Stephanie's readings are often described as a "therapy session on steroids".
​Stephanie also specializes in confirming paranormal activity in homes and businesses. She teaches and assists with clearing spaces as requested.

A lil' more about Stephanie

Stephanie has been asked many times how she knew she had intuitive gifts and her answer has been that she was born with the gifts (like everyone has!) and has always been aware of them. Actually, Stephanie thought this was normal and that everyone had the same gifts until she began school and that is when she realized she was different!
Stephanie was born in the 70s and mainly raised by a single mother. She was blessed for what feels like a short period of life with two brothers that have since transitioned from this world by means of suicide. She and her husband have been gifted with a daughter and son who are now the most amazing adults! Stephanie is a strong animal lover and uses her gifts to give them a voice!
Mainstream work background:
14+ years as a law enforcement E911 Dispatcher
9+ years as a multi-faceted call center Director
7+ years Certified Coaching (Life/Work/Intuitive)